Lombardi Gras

Before I get back to dealing with the contextualization of primitive Christianity in the post-modern environment…I just had to mention that the New Orleans Saints won the Superbowl.

You heard already? Oh, well, indulge me a little. Of course, this ruins half the jokes I know. But it also tells me that there is hope.

If the Saints can turn it around, anyone can. This franchise has been hopeless for a long time. I mean, really bad. But all of us Who Dats kept on believing. Last night, eight hundred thousand fans showed up for the biggest parade in the history of New Orleans (and that’s saying something!)   Lombardi Gras has come.

It’s amazing how many people felt that the Saints were the team of destiny this year. You know, the real Saints, those of us who have encountered Christ and follow His leadership, really are the people of destiny. But we often act so defeated.

I am telling you, we can see the power of the Gospel transform even the most desperate neighborhoods, the most ravaged cities, the most tragic families. God will use His people, who have been so inept for so long, to display His glory. It will happen, and has already started.

“Yea, right, Jimmy…Next thing you”ll tell me is that the Saints will win the Superbowl.”

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