There’s always next year…

I decided to write only about serious issues, so this is another post from the Who Dat Nation.

You know a Tru Dat Who Dat when you meet them. Yea, I have seen it all. Anytime you can have twenty-one years of losing seasons and still sell out the Superdome, you’ve got some real fans.

As Saints fans, we are not used to football interfering with Mardi Gras, or anything after Christmas for that matter. Maybe this confusion is what led to Superbowl Sunday kicking off the un-official Fat Tuesday. They just sort of blended.

I remember all those years that we saw our team miss the playoffs while we said,”At least we beat the Cowboys.” ( or 49ers,or whoever) We swept the Bucs the year they won it all. Of course Nawlins was at home that year. Now I am hearing Cowboys fans saying, “At least we beat the Saints.” ???!! I don’t even have a come-back for that. It is not in my training.

Now the NFL has tried to copyright WHO DAT…what? That’s been around longer than the Saints. But at least the Saints are marketable! No one made a dime off the Aints logo, or the paper bags for fans too ashamed to be identified in the ‘Dome.

Every year, we used to say,”Wait ’till next season!” And we believed it. We even cheered Billy Joe Tolliver and Danny Wuerffel….I was talking to a fellow ‘Who Dat from way back’ about Brees and company this week.

“Hey, man! Why don’t we have a paper bag burning ceremony before the game Sunday? You know, just to bury the past?”

He looked at me very seriously and replied,” I’m keeping my bag. There’s always next year.”

Now that’s an Old School Who Dat!

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