In It To Win It

There has been a deep philosophical debate among my friends and family lately. You may have heard, America’s Team, the New Orleans Saints are playing in the Superbowl. The question: Is that good enough? I have heard so many people saying, ” I will be happy no matter what. At least they made it to the game.”

Wait a minute! News flash! The season is not over yet! My stance is simple. If you are in it, win it.

How many times do we settle for second best because we can not stand the risk of losing? We stop short, because we have done well enough that no one will blame us.

“Hey, I have done better than I expected. No one will blame me for stopping here.”

But you still have one more game. Champions think like this: We have won some titles, but we still need one more.  The Saints are NFC South Division Champs. They are National Football Conference Champions. But they need one more.

You may have some great battles, but if you are breathing you have another fight ahead of you. Are you just trying to survive, or are you in it to win it?

One thought on “In It To Win It

  1. Me, being a native of Louisiana, am so proud of the Saints. After 40 years we finally made it. But as always, people are STILL underestimating the Saints once again. I’m so much trash about the Saints not being able to beat the Colts its ridiculous. People act like Manning is unbeatable. Well we had to go through 2 FUTURE HALL OF FAME QB’s to get to the Superbowl. And all Manning had to do was get passed “The NO OFFENSE” Ravens and a rookie quarterback. I don’t care what people say, THE SAINTS ARE WINNING THE SUPERBOWL THIS YEAR!

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