Writing For Myself

You start blogging and everything gets complicated. How do you generate more traffic? How do you find that “hot topic”? How do you spell crysanthemon…I have decided that I have a definite focus on this blog. I only write about what interests me. Yes, I know that sounds self-centered, but it is my blog. The wierd thing is, there are people who actually want to know what I think. People that I do not even know. If I wrote for them, they will probably not come back, but now that I do not care what they think, they will probably hang out here like that last person to leave a party. So, here I am, just being me. Of course, I may be the only one reading this….oh, well. Live your life according to who you are. God has created us all unique and amazing, but so many people are  trying to be someone else. The rarest skill in life is the ability to really know who you are, to see yourself and recognize the fingerprints of God. When it was first said, “It’s not easy being me”, they sure knew what they were talking about.

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