New Year’s Revolution

This is my favorite holiday. I guess it is because we all get a clean slate in the new year. 2010 has a perfect record! I have the chance to really do things right this year. It’s like grace written right there on the calendar. A fresh start.

Of course, the only thing that will make this next year different from the last is a new consecration to Christ…His Word and His Spirit alone can transform us. I know from too many New Year’s resolutions that I can not change myself. I can make a few small reforms, maybe, but under pressure I go back to the same old routine. But Jesus has completely transformed my life. Not just once, but time after time. Sometimes I have had to become broken before I really allowed Him to work, but the changes He makes stick. Who the Son set’s free is free indeed.

This year, don’t just resolve to do better. Lay down your life at the Cross. All you are, all you are not, all you could never be. Jesus will take it and revolutionize your existence. A New Year’s revolution. Yeah, that’s what I need.

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